As your baby's designated pediatrician, Stamford Hospital's Nursery staff will notify our office when your baby arrives in the Well Baby Nursery. We examine our newborns usually within twelve hours of birth and on each morning of your hospital stay. We visit with mothers afterwards to discuss any medical issues, to review what to expect during the first week and to answer questions. We want you to feel comfortable feeding your baby by the time of discharge and we will assist you in any way we can. Since hospital stays are so brief with little time for new parents to absorb so much information, we encourage you to keep your first weeks at home as simple as possible.
For babies born at other hospitals, please call our office from the hospital or once you arrive at home to arrange your first office visit, usually within two to three days after discharge.
Regardless of where you deliver, remember to call your insurance company soon after delivery to add the baby to your policy. Generally, only a parent can make this notification. Some insurance companies allow a 30 day grace period and coverage for your baby and others do not. Please check with your plan prior to delivery so you understand what is required. You should bring or fax your insurance card to our office at the earliest opportunity.