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New England Pediatrics, founded in 1983, provides comprehensive health care to children from birth to 22 years of age. Families in Fairfield and Westchester Counties choose our practice for our experience and commitment to excellence.

We provide 24/7 on-call coverage. We welcome new families who expect compassionate, thorough, and collaborative care for their children.

Urgent care


Reception Staff
Our friendly and professional reception staff would like you and your child to receive the care and attention that you deserve at each encounter. The receptionists are available to schedule your visits, explain office policies, accept payments, record insurance information, and facilitate communication between patients and the clinical staff. 






Billing Staff
Our highly experienced in-house billing staff is available Monday through Friday, from 8:30 am to 5:00 pm to answer insurance questions, to help solve payment problems, and if necessary, to assist you with an individual payment plan to satisfy outstanding balances.  Direct Line: 203.972.5233

Nadia-Practice Manager
203-972-5232 X218





Urgent Care
A doctor is available for URGENT CARE on weekend and holiday mornings by appointment. Please call at 8:30 to request an acute care appointment.
NEW TIME: 8:15-9:00 AM, Mon thru Fri, STAMFORD OFFICE ONLY.
  • Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday 8:15 am - 4:45 pm
  • Thursday 10:00 am - 4:45 pm
  • Friday 8:15 am - 4:30 pm 
  • Summer Fridays   4:00 pm close
  • Closed for Lunch    12:15 pm - 1:15 pm
31 Strawberry Hill Avenue
Stamford, CT 06902
PHONE: 203.323.1770
FAX: 203.348.1501
BILLING: 203.972.5233
EMAIL: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
183 Cherry Street
New Canaan, CT 06840
PHONE: 203.972.5232
FAX: 203.972.5234
BILLING: 203.972.5233
EMAIL: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


Polio Virus that causes acute paralysis and death. Prior to immunization, there were 13-20,000 cases annually; in 2000 there were none in US, but still active in >12 countries worldwide.
Measles Viral syndrome that can cause complications (including encephalitis with brain damage) in almost 10% of those infected. Cases are now very rare in the U.S. but still occur worldwide. If vaccination was suspended 2.7 million deaths would be expected worldwide.
Haemophilus Influenzae Type b (HIB) Prior to immunization, the leading cause of bacterial meningitis, and epiglottitis. Prior to HIB vaccines, 600 pediatric deaths per year. Recent outbreak with deaths in Midwest, & occurs worldwide.
Pertussis Also known as Whooping Cough, this illness can lead to pneumonia, seizures and death particularly in young infants under age one year. Currently a resurgence; prior to immunization, 250,000 cases per year, 9000 deaths. 9 recent deaths in CA in unimmunized infants.
Rubella (German measles) Mild viral disease in children, but in pregnant women, leads to heart defects, mental retardation, deafness. Before vaccination there were 20,000 babies born annually with birth defects.
Varicella (Chicken Pox) Highly contagious viral illness. Can lead to complications such as pneumonia, bacterial skin infections, dehydration as well as significant school/ work absence. Prior to immunization there were 11,000 hospitalizations and 100 deaths annually in the U.S. secondary to bacterial complications.
Hepatitis B Liver infection with risk of liver failure or cancer. Up to 25% of children who are infected may die from the infection.
Diphtheria Severe throat infection which produces a toxin that causes heart and nerve problems. Death rate after infection was 20% of cases prior to immunization. Not seen in U.S., still occurs worldwide.
Tetanus Severe, often fatal disease leading to spasm and stiffness of the jaw and muscles. 30% of infections cause death. Worldwide there are still >100,000 deaths from lack of immunization.
Mumps Viral infection in the salivary glands; can cause deafness, swelling of the brain, nerves and spinal cord, and sterility in males. Before immunization there were 200,000 cases annually, now reduced to about 300.
Pneumococcus Leading cause of blood infection, bacterial meningitis, pneumonia and ear infections. Prior to vaccine, 6,100 annual deaths in US.
Rotavirus Vomiting and watery diarrhea, often lasting 3-8 days or longer; may require hospitalization for dehydration. Globally, still 527,000 deaths per year. Prior to vaccine, 20-60 deaths in US per year; > 600,000 visits per year.

Will getting several immunizations at once overwhelm my child's immune system? Infants and children are exposed to numerous bacteria and viruses on a daily basis (examples: new foods, putting hands in mouth, etc.), all of which are common antigens to which their immune system must and does respond. A common cold exposes a child to 4-10 antigens per episode, and a case of strep to 25-50. In contrast, most vaccines expose a child to 1-10 antigens.

Can my child get sick from the vaccinations? Two different types of vaccinations are available: "live" or "killed". Live virus vaccines (e.g. MMR, Varicella) are weakened or partial strains of the virus which stimulate the immune system enough to develop protective antibodies but not enough to cause infection. Side effects of these vaccines may include rash and fever. Killed vaccines (all others) cannot transmit any infection but may cause transient fever and irritability.

Will mercury (thimerosal) in the vaccines cause my child to develop autism? Thimerosal is a mercury based preservative that has been used in vaccines since the 1930's. Since 2001, thimerosal has been removed from all vaccines that are given to infants. Multiple studies have shown conclusively that thimerosal has no causal relationship to the development of autism. There has been no decrease in cases of autism since thimerosal was removed from vaccines nearly ten years ago.

Will the MMR (measles, mumps and rubella) vaccine cause my child to develop autism? Numerous scientific studies have shown that there is no link at all between the MMR vaccine and autism. The original British study which attempted to prove a cause and effect relationship has been retracted by nine of the ten authors. There is also no scientific evidence that separating the vaccine into three individual vaccinations has any benefit. What studies have shown is that when MMR vaccination has been suspended in countries outside the US, the incidence of measles, encephalitis and death increases dramatically.


INSECT BITES & BUG SAFETY Insect bites are common and most require little medical attention. The immediate reaction after an insect bite is typically a reaction to the saliva and consists of itchiness, swelling and redness. Mosquito and flea bites can first be treated topically. Ice should be applied to the site of the bite to decrease inflammation. Hydrocortisone cream (1.0 % over the counter) can decrease pain and itching. Calamine lotion is also effective. Avoid topical Benadryl cream and use an oral antihistamine to provide the best relief for itching. The dose for Benadryl (Diphenhydramine) elixir (12.5 mg/teaspoon) is 0.5mg for every pound the child weighs. (For example a child weighing 25 pounds should take 12.5 mg. or 1 teaspoon (5 cc's) of liquid Benadryl.) It can be given every 6 hours as needed.

Occasionally, insect bites become infected. Look for increased swelling, red streaking or tenderness, and pain or fever. If you notice any of these symptoms, call for an appointment to see if antibiotics are necessary.

The best treatment is avoidance. Mosquitoes are most common during dawn and dusk and congregate around stagnant pools of water, uncovered foods and flower gardens. Other insects, such as ticks may be active all day, and are likely to be found in high grass, leaves and woods. Light colored pants and long sleeves can provide a barrier between insects and your child's skin. Avoid scented soaps, perfumes and hair sprays when outdoors.

Insect repellents are an effective way to prevent insect bites and are safe when used as instructed on the label. Repellents with DEET are effective against most insects including mosquitoes, ticks and fleas. For children ages 2 months - 2 years use products with less than 10% DEET and apply only once daily. For older children concentrations of up to 25% DEET may be applied several times a day. Use the product sparingly when applying any DEET containing repellent. Apply the minimal amount to cover, not soak the skin, and avoid the eyes, mouth or open skin. Avoid combination sunscreen/insect repellent as the sunscreen component may require more frequent applications than is safe.

Picaridin is another chemical found in insect repellent, and is effective against ticks and mosquitoes. It requires more frequent application than DEET, approximately every 4 hours. The concentration levels typically found in Picaridin products are quite safe at 7-15% concentrations.

Citronella oil can prevent mosquito bites, but is ineffective against ticks and most other insects. It requires more frequent applications and is not as effective as other products mentioned above. Other insect repellents such as bracelets and electronic devices are generally not effective.



4/24 • Dr. Davis
via zoom

5/7 • Dr. Cipolla
via zoom

5/22 • Dr. Morelli
New Canaan

6/13 • Dr. Palker

6/27 • Dr. Davis
via zoom

7/11 • Dr. Morelli
New Canaan

7/31 • Dr. Cipolla
via zoom









New England Pediatrics, founded in 1983, provides comprehensive health care to children from birth to 22 years of age. Families in Fairfield and Westchester Counties choose our practice for our experience and commitment to excellence.

We provide 24/7 on-call coverage. We welcome new families who expect compassionate, thorough, and collaborative care for their children.
Reception Staff
Our friendly and professional reception staff would like you and your child to receive the care and attention that you deserve at each encounter. The receptionists are available to schedule your visits, explain office policies, accept payments, record insurance information, and facilitate communication between patients and the clinical staff. 






Billing Staff
Our highly experienced in-house billing staff is available Monday through Friday, from 8:30 am to 5:00 pm to answer insurance questions, to help solve payment problems, and if necessary, to assist you with an individual payment plan to satisfy outstanding balances.  Direct Line: 203.972.5233

Nadia-Practice Manager
203-972-5232 X218





Urgent Care
A doctor is available for URGENT CARE on weekend and holiday mornings by appointment. Please call at 8:30 to request an acute care appointment.
NEW TIME: 8:15-9:00 AM, Mon thru Fri, STAMFORD OFFICE ONLY.
  • Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday 8:15 am - 4:45 pm
  • Thursday 10:00 am - 4:45 pm
  • Friday 8:15 am - 4:30 pm 
  • Summer Fridays   4:00 pm close
  • Closed for Lunch    12:15 pm - 1:15 pm
31 Strawberry Hill Avenue
Stamford, CT 06902
PHONE: 203.323.1770
FAX: 203.348.1501
BILLING: 203.972.5233
EMAIL: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
183 Cherry Street
New Canaan, CT 06840
PHONE: 203.972.5232
FAX: 203.972.5234
BILLING: 203.972.5233
EMAIL: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


Polio Virus that causes acute paralysis and death. Prior to immunization, there were 13-20,000 cases annually; in 2000 there were none in US, but still active in >12 countries worldwide.
Measles Viral syndrome that can cause complications (including encephalitis with brain damage) in almost 10% of those infected. Cases are now very rare in the U.S. but still occur worldwide. If vaccination was suspended 2.7 million deaths would be expected worldwide.
Haemophilus Influenzae Type b (HIB) Prior to immunization, the leading cause of bacterial meningitis, and epiglottitis. Prior to HIB vaccines, 600 pediatric deaths per year. Recent outbreak with deaths in Midwest, & occurs worldwide.
Pertussis Also known as Whooping Cough, this illness can lead to pneumonia, seizures and death particularly in young infants under age one year. Currently a resurgence; prior to immunization, 250,000 cases per year, 9000 deaths. 9 recent deaths in CA in unimmunized infants.
Rubella (German measles) Mild viral disease in children, but in pregnant women, leads to heart defects, mental retardation, deafness. Before vaccination there were 20,000 babies born annually with birth defects.
Varicella (Chicken Pox) Highly contagious viral illness. Can lead to complications such as pneumonia, bacterial skin infections, dehydration as well as significant school/ work absence. Prior to immunization there were 11,000 hospitalizations and 100 deaths annually in the U.S. secondary to bacterial complications.
Hepatitis B Liver infection with risk of liver failure or cancer. Up to 25% of children who are infected may die from the infection.
Diphtheria Severe throat infection which produces a toxin that causes heart and nerve problems. Death rate after infection was 20% of cases prior to immunization. Not seen in U.S., still occurs worldwide.
Tetanus Severe, often fatal disease leading to spasm and stiffness of the jaw and muscles. 30% of infections cause death. Worldwide there are still >100,000 deaths from lack of immunization.
Mumps Viral infection in the salivary glands; can cause deafness, swelling of the brain, nerves and spinal cord, and sterility in males. Before immunization there were 200,000 cases annually, now reduced to about 300.
Pneumococcus Leading cause of blood infection, bacterial meningitis, pneumonia and ear infections. Prior to vaccine, 6,100 annual deaths in US.
Rotavirus Vomiting and watery diarrhea, often lasting 3-8 days or longer; may require hospitalization for dehydration. Globally, still 527,000 deaths per year. Prior to vaccine, 20-60 deaths in US per year; > 600,000 visits per year.

Will getting several immunizations at once overwhelm my child's immune system? Infants and children are exposed to numerous bacteria and viruses on a daily basis (examples: new foods, putting hands in mouth, etc.), all of which are common antigens to which their immune system must and does respond. A common cold exposes a child to 4-10 antigens per episode, and a case of strep to 25-50. In contrast, most vaccines expose a child to 1-10 antigens.

Can my child get sick from the vaccinations? Two different types of vaccinations are available: "live" or "killed". Live virus vaccines (e.g. MMR, Varicella) are weakened or partial strains of the virus which stimulate the immune system enough to develop protective antibodies but not enough to cause infection. Side effects of these vaccines may include rash and fever. Killed vaccines (all others) cannot transmit any infection but may cause transient fever and irritability.

Will mercury (thimerosal) in the vaccines cause my child to develop autism? Thimerosal is a mercury based preservative that has been used in vaccines since the 1930's. Since 2001, thimerosal has been removed from all vaccines that are given to infants. Multiple studies have shown conclusively that thimerosal has no causal relationship to the development of autism. There has been no decrease in cases of autism since thimerosal was removed from vaccines nearly ten years ago.

Will the MMR (measles, mumps and rubella) vaccine cause my child to develop autism? Numerous scientific studies have shown that there is no link at all between the MMR vaccine and autism. The original British study which attempted to prove a cause and effect relationship has been retracted by nine of the ten authors. There is also no scientific evidence that separating the vaccine into three individual vaccinations has any benefit. What studies have shown is that when MMR vaccination has been suspended in countries outside the US, the incidence of measles, encephalitis and death increases dramatically.


INSECT BITES & BUG SAFETY Insect bites are common and most require little medical attention. The immediate reaction after an insect bite is typically a reaction to the saliva and consists of itchiness, swelling and redness. Mosquito and flea bites can first be treated topically. Ice should be applied to the site of the bite to decrease inflammation. Hydrocortisone cream (1.0 % over the counter) can decrease pain and itching. Calamine lotion is also effective. Avoid topical Benadryl cream and use an oral antihistamine to provide the best relief for itching. The dose for Benadryl (Diphenhydramine) elixir (12.5 mg/teaspoon) is 0.5mg for every pound the child weighs. (For example a child weighing 25 pounds should take 12.5 mg. or 1 teaspoon (5 cc's) of liquid Benadryl.) It can be given every 6 hours as needed.

Occasionally, insect bites become infected. Look for increased swelling, red streaking or tenderness, and pain or fever. If you notice any of these symptoms, call for an appointment to see if antibiotics are necessary.

The best treatment is avoidance. Mosquitoes are most common during dawn and dusk and congregate around stagnant pools of water, uncovered foods and flower gardens. Other insects, such as ticks may be active all day, and are likely to be found in high grass, leaves and woods. Light colored pants and long sleeves can provide a barrier between insects and your child's skin. Avoid scented soaps, perfumes and hair sprays when outdoors.

Insect repellents are an effective way to prevent insect bites and are safe when used as instructed on the label. Repellents with DEET are effective against most insects including mosquitoes, ticks and fleas. For children ages 2 months - 2 years use products with less than 10% DEET and apply only once daily. For older children concentrations of up to 25% DEET may be applied several times a day. Use the product sparingly when applying any DEET containing repellent. Apply the minimal amount to cover, not soak the skin, and avoid the eyes, mouth or open skin. Avoid combination sunscreen/insect repellent as the sunscreen component may require more frequent applications than is safe.

Picaridin is another chemical found in insect repellent, and is effective against ticks and mosquitoes. It requires more frequent application than DEET, approximately every 4 hours. The concentration levels typically found in Picaridin products are quite safe at 7-15% concentrations.

Citronella oil can prevent mosquito bites, but is ineffective against ticks and most other insects. It requires more frequent applications and is not as effective as other products mentioned above. Other insect repellents such as bracelets and electronic devices are generally not effective.




4/24 • Dr. Davis
via zoom

5/7 • Dr. Cipolla
via zoom

5/22 • Dr. Morelli
New Canaan

6/13 • Dr. Palker

6/27 • Dr. Davis
via zoom

7/11 • Dr. Morelli
New Canaan

7/31 • Dr. Cipolla
via zoom








New England Pediatrics, founded in 1983, provides comprehensive health care to children from birth to 22 years of age. Families in Fairfield and Westchester Counties choose our practice for our experience and commitment to excellence.

We provide 24/7 on-call coverage. We welcome new families who expect compassionate, thorough, and collaborative care for their children.
Reception Staff
Our friendly and professional reception staff would like you and your child to receive the care and attention that you deserve at each encounter. The receptionists are available to schedule your visits, explain office policies, accept payments, record insurance information, and facilitate communication between patients and the clinical staff. 






Billing Staff
Our highly experienced in-house billing staff is available Monday through Friday, from 8:30 am to 5:00 pm to answer insurance questions, to help solve payment problems, and if necessary, to assist you with an individual payment plan to satisfy outstanding balances.  Direct Line: 203.972.5233

Nadia-Practice Manager
203-972-5232 X218





Urgent Care
A doctor is available for URGENT CARE on weekend and holiday mornings by appointment. Please call at 8:30 to request an acute care appointment.
NEW TIME: 8:15-9:00 AM, Mon thru Fri, STAMFORD OFFICE ONLY.
  • Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday 8:15 am - 4:45 pm
  • Thursday 10:00 am - 4:45 pm
  • Friday 8:15 am - 4:30 pm 
  • Summer Fridays   4:00 pm close
  • Closed for Lunch    12:15 pm - 1:15 pm
31 Strawberry Hill Avenue
Stamford, CT 06902
PHONE: 203.323.1770
FAX: 203.348.1501
BILLING: 203.972.5233
EMAIL: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
183 Cherry Street
New Canaan, CT 06840
PHONE: 203.972.5232
FAX: 203.972.5234
BILLING: 203.972.5233
EMAIL: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


Polio Virus that causes acute paralysis and death. Prior to immunization, there were 13-20,000 cases annually; in 2000 there were none in US, but still active in >12 countries worldwide.
Measles Viral syndrome that can cause complications (including encephalitis with brain damage) in almost 10% of those infected. Cases are now very rare in the U.S. but still occur worldwide. If vaccination was suspended 2.7 million deaths would be expected worldwide.
Haemophilus Influenzae Type b (HIB) Prior to immunization, the leading cause of bacterial meningitis, and epiglottitis. Prior to HIB vaccines, 600 pediatric deaths per year. Recent outbreak with deaths in Midwest, & occurs worldwide.
Pertussis Also known as Whooping Cough, this illness can lead to pneumonia, seizures and death particularly in young infants under age one year. Currently a resurgence; prior to immunization, 250,000 cases per year, 9000 deaths. 9 recent deaths in CA in unimmunized infants.
Rubella (German measles) Mild viral disease in children, but in pregnant women, leads to heart defects, mental retardation, deafness. Before vaccination there were 20,000 babies born annually with birth defects.
Varicella (Chicken Pox) Highly contagious viral illness. Can lead to complications such as pneumonia, bacterial skin infections, dehydration as well as significant school/ work absence. Prior to immunization there were 11,000 hospitalizations and 100 deaths annually in the U.S. secondary to bacterial complications.
Hepatitis B Liver infection with risk of liver failure or cancer. Up to 25% of children who are infected may die from the infection.
Diphtheria Severe throat infection which produces a toxin that causes heart and nerve problems. Death rate after infection was 20% of cases prior to immunization. Not seen in U.S., still occurs worldwide.
Tetanus Severe, often fatal disease leading to spasm and stiffness of the jaw and muscles. 30% of infections cause death. Worldwide there are still >100,000 deaths from lack of immunization.
Mumps Viral infection in the salivary glands; can cause deafness, swelling of the brain, nerves and spinal cord, and sterility in males. Before immunization there were 200,000 cases annually, now reduced to about 300.
Pneumococcus Leading cause of blood infection, bacterial meningitis, pneumonia and ear infections. Prior to vaccine, 6,100 annual deaths in US.
Rotavirus Vomiting and watery diarrhea, often lasting 3-8 days or longer; may require hospitalization for dehydration. Globally, still 527,000 deaths per year. Prior to vaccine, 20-60 deaths in US per year; > 600,000 visits per year.

Will getting several immunizations at once overwhelm my child's immune system? Infants and children are exposed to numerous bacteria and viruses on a daily basis (examples: new foods, putting hands in mouth, etc.), all of which are common antigens to which their immune system must and does respond. A common cold exposes a child to 4-10 antigens per episode, and a case of strep to 25-50. In contrast, most vaccines expose a child to 1-10 antigens.

Can my child get sick from the vaccinations? Two different types of vaccinations are available: "live" or "killed". Live virus vaccines (e.g. MMR, Varicella) are weakened or partial strains of the virus which stimulate the immune system enough to develop protective antibodies but not enough to cause infection. Side effects of these vaccines may include rash and fever. Killed vaccines (all others) cannot transmit any infection but may cause transient fever and irritability.

Will mercury (thimerosal) in the vaccines cause my child to develop autism? Thimerosal is a mercury based preservative that has been used in vaccines since the 1930's. Since 2001, thimerosal has been removed from all vaccines that are given to infants. Multiple studies have shown conclusively that thimerosal has no causal relationship to the development of autism. There has been no decrease in cases of autism since thimerosal was removed from vaccines nearly ten years ago.

Will the MMR (measles, mumps and rubella) vaccine cause my child to develop autism? Numerous scientific studies have shown that there is no link at all between the MMR vaccine and autism. The original British study which attempted to prove a cause and effect relationship has been retracted by nine of the ten authors. There is also no scientific evidence that separating the vaccine into three individual vaccinations has any benefit. What studies have shown is that when MMR vaccination has been suspended in countries outside the US, the incidence of measles, encephalitis and death increases dramatically.


INSECT BITES & BUG SAFETY Insect bites are common and most require little medical attention. The immediate reaction after an insect bite is typically a reaction to the saliva and consists of itchiness, swelling and redness. Mosquito and flea bites can first be treated topically. Ice should be applied to the site of the bite to decrease inflammation. Hydrocortisone cream (1.0 % over the counter) can decrease pain and itching. Calamine lotion is also effective. Avoid topical Benadryl cream and use an oral antihistamine to provide the best relief for itching. The dose for Benadryl (Diphenhydramine) elixir (12.5 mg/teaspoon) is 0.5mg for every pound the child weighs. (For example a child weighing 25 pounds should take 12.5 mg. or 1 teaspoon (5 cc's) of liquid Benadryl.) It can be given every 6 hours as needed.

Occasionally, insect bites become infected. Look for increased swelling, red streaking or tenderness, and pain or fever. If you notice any of these symptoms, call for an appointment to see if antibiotics are necessary.

The best treatment is avoidance. Mosquitoes are most common during dawn and dusk and congregate around stagnant pools of water, uncovered foods and flower gardens. Other insects, such as ticks may be active all day, and are likely to be found in high grass, leaves and woods. Light colored pants and long sleeves can provide a barrier between insects and your child's skin. Avoid scented soaps, perfumes and hair sprays when outdoors.

Insect repellents are an effective way to prevent insect bites and are safe when used as instructed on the label. Repellents with DEET are effective against most insects including mosquitoes, ticks and fleas. For children ages 2 months - 2 years use products with less than 10% DEET and apply only once daily. For older children concentrations of up to 25% DEET may be applied several times a day. Use the product sparingly when applying any DEET containing repellent. Apply the minimal amount to cover, not soak the skin, and avoid the eyes, mouth or open skin. Avoid combination sunscreen/insect repellent as the sunscreen component may require more frequent applications than is safe.

Picaridin is another chemical found in insect repellent, and is effective against ticks and mosquitoes. It requires more frequent application than DEET, approximately every 4 hours. The concentration levels typically found in Picaridin products are quite safe at 7-15% concentrations.

Citronella oil can prevent mosquito bites, but is ineffective against ticks and most other insects. It requires more frequent applications and is not as effective as other products mentioned above. Other insect repellents such as bracelets and electronic devices are generally not effective.




4/24 • Dr. Davis
via zoom

5/7 • Dr. Cipolla
via zoom

5/22 • Dr. Morelli
New Canaan

6/13 • Dr. Palker

6/27 • Dr. Davis
via zoom

7/11 • Dr. Morelli
New Canaan

7/31 • Dr. Cipolla
via zoom








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